About us

Our goal:

Protect those who protect us!

Jan Heinemann, der Geschäftsführer und Erfinder vom Löschigel und Rescuevation.

Jan Heinemann

Managing Director & Sales

Pragmatic, unconventional, innovative, personal. These guiding principles drive me in strategy development. Open to new things and cooperative, that is the key to success. I also take care of development, purchasing and production. Hands on... Let's go!

Die Rescuevation Mitarbeiterin Lina Ruhfus Hartmann.

Lina Ruhfus-Hartmann


Lina conjures up impressive presentations, infographics and print media from bare texts. Lina also stamps impressive web elements out of the ground.

    Der Rescuevation Mitarbeiter Alex Miltz.

    Alexander Miltz

    System administrator

    Responsible for everything that arises in the area of IT or event technology. Whether it's a stuck keyboard or a spelling mistake on the homepage. There is a solution for every problem.

      Der Rescuevation Mitarbeiter Lucas Goldbach.

      Lucas Goldbeck

      Software magician

      Lucas is on a first-name basis with every machine and turns code into magic. As an experienced emergency worker and instructor in water rescue, Lucas can always keep a cool head and communicate complicated issues in an understandable way. As a dyed-in-the-wool engineer, he always pays attention to the highest precision and conformity.

      But who are we actually?

      We are a young Team from VolunteersFire department, DLRG, Malteser, DRK.
      We know the work and the Challenges in practice.
      When we are beeped out of bed at three in the morning, we know what counts: We must always work and adapt, just like our Input material. The material must be simple, straightforward and adapt to the Improvisation skills bend...

      Die Besprechung von SnakE bei einer Übung von der Feuerwehr zum löschen eines ⁠E Autos mit Lithium Ionen Akku.

      In some moments, however, we have already experienced for ourselves the enormous dangers we have to expose ourselves to as emergency forces.
      The moment when it is unclear whether the comrade or oneself will return home healthy.
      This is the moment we want to prevent. This is what drives us every day.
      We want to combine tried and tested teams with new ones, ergonomic and time-efficient solutions support. 

      Ein Feuerwehreinsatz mit Feuerwehrleuten mit Rauch und Atemschutzmasken.

      That's what Rescuevation stands for!

      This is what Rescue stands for

      Cooperation at eye levelWe develop our ideas together with the emergency services, every opinion and idea is taken into account. taken seriously and discussed.

      As active emergency crews ourselves, we know how diverse the scenarios are, which is why we also need versatile solutions.

      The Camaraderie from our honorary positions characterizes our cooperation, everyone can always rely on the Helpfulness of the team Trust.

      Consideration and Understanding for private restrictions is just as much a part of this as a Constructive error culture.

      Mistakes have to be recognized and accepted; you stand by them and learn from them. We are constantly continuing our education and are therefore at the cutting edge of technology.

      life, things usually turn out differently than expected, our Passion and Joy at work enable us to agile and to jointly develop safe, sustainable and innovative Quality products to develop.

      Cooperation at eye levelWe develop our ideas together with the emergency services, every opinion and idea is taken into account. taken seriously and discussed.

      As active emergency crews ourselves, we know how diverse the scenarios are, which is why we also need versatile solutions.

      The Camaraderie from our honorary positions characterizes our cooperation, everyone can always rely on the Helpfulness of the team Trust. Consideration and Understanding for private restrictions is just as much a part of this as a Constructive error cultureMistakes have to be recognized and accepted; we stand by them and learn from them. We are constantly continuing our education and are therefore at the cutting edge of technology.

      life, things usually turn out differently than expected, our Passion and Joy at work enable us to agile and to jointly develop safe, sustainable and innovative Quality products to develop.

      Besprechung mit der Feuerwehr vom Löschigel.

      We increase the safety of emergency services!

      We increase the safety of use